Sunday, August 16, 2009


After a long and wonderful vacation to new england, zach and I shall be returning to our sweet abode. However, this time it will be with Ms. Siobhan Cox. More pictures and updates to come of the first night at the fruitstand. Tomorrow Sir Benjamin will be arriving with much rejoycing because he is bringing back rock band and left 4 two loves in life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Introduction: The Future Roomates

After a few months of thinking it over, Siobhan and Ben have officially decided to move in with Zach and myself(Abby) in our crazy apartment in Allentown, Pa. While Zach and I will be continuing school at DeSales University (Zach- Senior Psychology Major, Abby-Junior TV/Film Major), Siobhan and Ben will be getting some good old fashion J.O.B.'s. Siobhan and I will be sharing a room and Ben and Zach shall be roommates yet again. The approximate move in date is either the 16th of 17th of August. More updates to come!